Call for paper

Deadlines are extended by a few days, see below.

Important Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which results in travel restrictions from many countries, we plan to hold OPODIS 2020 virtually. The reviewing and publishing process will not be impacted in any way. Only the physical attendance will be replaced by an online event. Details of the organization will follow shortly.

OPODIS 2020 Call for Papers

24th Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2020)
14, 15, 16 December 2020

Important dates:


OPODIS is an open forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge on distributed computing and distributed computer systems.  OPODIS aims at having a balanced program that combines theory and practice of distributed systems. OPODIS solicits papers in all aspects of distributed systems, including theory, specification, design, system building, and performance.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Double-blind review

We will use double-blind peer review in OPODIS 2020. All submissions must be anonymous. We will use a somewhat relaxed implementation of double-blind peer review in OPODIS 2020: you are free to disseminate your work through arXiv and other online repositories and give presentations on your work as usual. However, please make sure you do not mention your own name or affiliation in the submission, and please do not include obvious references that reveal your identity. A reviewer who has not previously seen the paper should be able to read it without accidentally learning the identity of the authors. Please feel free to ask the PC chairs if you have any questions about the double-blind policy of OPODIS 2020.


A submission must report on original research that has not previously appeared in a journal or conference with published proceedings. It should not be concurrently submitted to such a journal or conference. Any overlap with a published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. The Program Chairs reserve the right to reject submissions that are out of scope, of clearly inferior quality, or that violate the submission guidelines. Each of the remaining papers will undergo a thorough reviewing process.


OPODIS has post-proceedings published by Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) in gold open access mode. The proceedings become available online, free of charge, after the conference. Preliminary versions of the proceedings will be available to participants at the conference electronically. The camera-ready version of a paper must have the same format and be of the same length as its submitted version.

Program Commitee

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Program Committee:


Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper (i.e., primarily written by a student). Eligibility for the best student paper award should be clearly indicated on the cover page.